Metrics Overview

Learn how Out of Dark's metrics can enhance your strategies and boost your business performance.

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In Out of Dark, you can use metrics to measure and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of your business actions and strategies. These metrics offer valuable insights into your business's performance and drive data-based decision-making. The Out of Dark team has equipped you with an arsenal of ready-to-use metrics that you can plug straight into your customer journeys, saving you both time and effort. These standardized metrics streamline the tracking of performance and progress, enhancing the efficiency of data analysis and decision-making. Additionally, you can always create your own metrics and tailor them to meet your specific needs.

Here’s a brief overview of all the pre-defined metrics available in Out of Dark to help you get started.


The Appointments metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of appointments scheduled over a specific period. This is particularly useful for businesses that depend on appointment scheduling, like healthcare providers, consultants, and service-oriented businesses. For instance, a healthcare clinic can use this metric to monitor weekly appointments, helping to assess workload, staff efficiency, and patient accommodation capacity.


 The Budget metric in Out of Dark helps monitor and control a project or business's financial plan by comparing actual expenditures to the estimated budget over a specific period. This offers a clear view of financial health. For example, a marketing agency running an advertising campaign might use this metric to track spending against the allocated budget, enabling them to manage resources effectively and make timely adjustments before spending exceeds the budget.


The Calls metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of calls made or received over a specific period. It is especially valuable for businesses that depend on phone calls for sales, customer service, or engagement. For example, a customer service center might use this metric to monitor daily call volumes, helping assess staff productivity, identify peak times, and ensure proper staffing levels to manage the call load effectively.

Inbound calls 

The Inbound calls metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of incoming calls received over a specified period. It is particularly useful for businesses like call centers or customer service departments that measure performance by incoming call volume. For instance, a customer service department can use this metric to monitor daily customer inquiries, assess interaction volume, identify peak calling times, and ensure sufficient staffing to manage incoming calls efficiently.

Outbound calls

The Outbound calls metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of outgoing calls made over a specified period. This metric is crucial for businesses focused on outbound calling for sales, customer service, or engagement. For instance, a telemarketing team might use this metric to monitor daily sales calls, helping them evaluate productivity, identify peak calling times, and ensure they meet their targets.

Churn rate 

The Churn rate metric in Out of Dark measures the rate at which customers discontinue their business with a company over a specified period. This is especially relevant for subscription-based businesses, providing critical insights into customer retention and satisfaction. For example, an online streaming service might use this metric to track monthly subscriber losses, which helps them pinpoint issues and develop strategies to enhance customer retention.

Lost users

The Lost users metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of users who stop using a product or service over a specified period. This is crucial for businesses like digital platforms, mobile apps, or subscription services, where monitoring user retention and engagement is key. By monitoring this metric, the company can identify issues and strategize to improve user retention.


The Complaints metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of customer complaints received over a specified period. This metric is vital for all businesses, offering insights into customer dissatisfaction and highlighting areas needing improvement. For instance, a retail company might monitor monthly complaints related to product quality. By doing so, they can identify issues with specific products and develop strategies to enhance quality and customer satisfaction.


The Costs metric in Out of Dark tracks expenses incurred over a specified period. This metric is essential for all businesses, providing insights into financial performance and identifying areas that may require budget adjustments. For example, a manufacturing company might monitor monthly production costs using this metric. This enables the company to spot potential cost overruns and devise strategies to enhance cost efficiency.

Customer lifetime value (CLV) 

The CLV metric in Out of Dark measures the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account over their relationship duration. This metric considers a customer's revenue value against their projected lifespan with the company. It helps businesses identify and focus on the most valuable customer segments. For example, an e-commerce company might use CLV to categorize customers based on their purchase history to help them customize marketing strategies and resource allocation and nurture relationships with high-value customers.


The Customers metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of customers or users engaging with a business or product over a specified period. This metric is essential as it reflects the customer base size and offers insights into acquisition, retention, and attrition rates. For example, an online retail store might use this metric to monitor new customers acquired each month or active customers during a certain period, allowing it to assess its marketing campaigns and customer retention strategies, and enabling data-driven decisions to enhance and sustain its customer base.


The Engagement metric in Out of Dark tracks how users interact with your product, service, or platform, monitoring actions such as clicks, shares, comments, or time spent on a page. This data is vital for understanding user behavior and pinpointing both strengths and areas for improvement. For instance, a digital media company might analyze user engagement with their online content by tracking time spent on articles, the number of articles read per visit, and how often content is shared or commented on, allowing them to identify which content most effectively engages their audience, and helping them fine-tune their content strategy to enhance overall user engagement.


The Conversion metric in Out of Dark calculates the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. This metric is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of online business strategies, including website design and marketing campaigns. For example, an e-commerce store might use this metric to measure the conversion rate of visitors making purchases to help them identify what is working or not, allowing for strategic adjustments to enhance sales.


The Satisfaction metric measures customer satisfaction over a specific period, providing essential insights into customer loyalty. For example, a restaurant might track this metric by surveying customers after dining to identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding enhancements in customer experience.


The Users metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of customers interacting with a business or its products over a specific period. This essential metric offers insights into the size of the customer base and trends in acquisition, retention, and attrition. For example, an online store might track new or active customers monthly to evaluate marketing effectiveness and retention strategies, enabling informed decisions to nurture and grow its customer base.

Open rate

The Open rate metric in Out of Dark calculates the percentage of recipients who open a specific email or communication from your business. This metric is invaluable for email marketing, offering insights into the effectiveness of subject lines and timing. For instance, a digital marketing agency might track the open rate of an email campaign for a product launch to determine the success of their campaigns and refine strategies to improve open rates and overall engagement.

Orders rate

The Orders rate metric in Out of Dark measures the number of orders placed over a specific period, offering crucial insights into sales performance and customer purchasing behavior. This metric is especially valuable for e-commerce and retail businesses. For example, an e-commerce company might track daily orders to identify peak sales periods, assess the impact of marketing strategies, and make informed decisions to enhance sales performance.

Mention in media

The Mention in media metric in Out of Dark tracks how often a business or its products/services are mentioned in media outlets over a set period. This metric is essential for gauging the effectiveness of public relations strategies and understanding brand recognition in the media. For instance, a tech startup might use this metric to monitor mentions of a new product in tech blogs, news articles, or social media posts within a month of launch. This allows the startup to assess the impact of its launch publicity, evaluate interest levels in the product, and tailor future PR efforts based on the coverage received.


The Reach metric in Out of Dark counts the number of unique users or customers who interact with your business, product, or service over a given period. This key metric helps gauge the size and diversity of your audience, indicating market penetration and marketing effectiveness. For instance, a social media marketing campaign might monitor the Reach metric to see how many unique users viewed a campaign post. This helps the marketing team assess the campaign's success in expanding audience size, which is vital for enhancing brand awareness and engagement.


The Revenues metric in Out of Dark tracks the total income generated over a specified period, offering direct insights into a business's financial health and profitability. For instance, a retail business might monitor monthly sales to assess the effectiveness of pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and product offerings. This data helps identify peak sales periods, informing future sales and marketing strategies.

Number of reviews

The Number of reviews metric in Out of Dark tracks the quantity of customer reviews received over a specific period. This is especially useful for businesses that rely heavily on customer feedback, such as e-commerce platforms and restaurants. For example, an online retailer might monitor monthly product reviews to measure customer engagement, identify popular products, and address any recurring issues highlighted in the feedback, ultimately enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.

Review rate

The Review rate metric in Out of Dark calculates the percentage of customers who leave a review or rating for a product or service within a specified period. This is crucial for businesses that depend on customer feedback for reputation management and product refinement. For example, an online bookstore might track the review rate by noting the percentage of customers who review after a purchase. This helps the bookstore assess customer engagement, satisfaction, and collect valuable feedback to enhance their offerings.

Review score

The Review score metric in Out of Dark tracks the average score from customer reviews over a specified period. This metric is vital for businesses such as e-commerce platforms and restaurants that rely heavily on customer feedback. For instance, an online retailer might monitor the average review score monthly to assess overall customer satisfaction, identify products with high positive feedback, and tackle issues highlighted in lower-scoring reviews to enhance product quality and customer satisfaction.

Unsubscribe rate

The Unsubscribe rate metric in Out of Dark calculates the percentage of users or customers who opt-out or unsubscribe from a service, platform, or mailing list over a specified period. This metric is essential for businesses using subscription models or email marketing, as it provides insights into customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of your content or services. For example, an online newsletter service might track how many subscribers unsubscribe each month to help them assess content effectiveness, identify issues, and develop strategies to improve subscriber retention and satisfaction.


The Upsell metric in Out of Dark tracks the success of selling more expensive items, upgrades, or add-ons to existing customers. This metric is crucial for businesses aiming to maximize customer value and enhance profitability. For example, a software company might monitor the frequency of customers upgrading from a basic to a premium subscription. By analyzing this metric, the company can gauge the effectiveness of its upselling strategies, make necessary adjustments, and boost overall revenue.


The Views metric in Out of Dark measures how often a page, product, or content piece is viewed within a specific period, providing valuable insights into audience interaction and interest for businesses operating online or running digital campaigns. For example, an online news outlet might use this metric to track views per article, identifying topics that resonate with its audience based on view counts. This data helps the outlet tailor content to boost engagement and retain readers.


The Visits metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of unique visits to a platform, website, or specific page over a designated period, offering essential insights into audience traffic and engagement for businesses with online operations or digital marketing campaigns. For example, an e-commerce store might monitor daily unique visitors to understand peak traffic times, evaluate how well marketing strategies attract traffic, and use this data to enhance website performance and customer engagement.

Response time

The Response time metric in Out of Dark measures how quickly a business responds to customer inquiries or issues, providing vital insights into service efficiency and customer satisfaction for service-oriented companies. For example, a customer support center might track the average time taken to respond to queries or complaints in order to pinpoint delays or bottlenecks in their response process and implement improvements to enhance response times, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The Leads metric in Out of Dark tracks the number of potential customers who have shown interest in your product or service over a specified period. This metric is crucial for sales-driven businesses, offering insights into the effectiveness of lead generation strategies and aiding in sales forecasting. For example, a software company might monitor inquiries about a new software release to measure interest and tailor sales strategies to convert these leads into customers.

Renewal rate

The Renewal rate metric in Out of Dark calculates the percentage of customers renewing their subscriptions or contracts over a specific period. This is crucial for businesses with subscription models as it provides insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction. For example, SaaS company might track the renewal rate of annual subscriptions help them assess customer satisfaction, pinpoint issues, and enhance retention strategies.


The Followers metric in Out of Dark tracks the growth of your brand's social media following over a specified period. This metric is invaluable for businesses utilizing social media for brand exposure, customer engagement, and marketing. For instance, a fashion brand might monitor their Instagram followers monthly to assess the impact of their social media strategies, understand customer interest, and refine tactics to boost their online presence.


The Subscribers metric in Out of Dark measures the growth in individuals opting to receive updates or communications from your business over a specific period. This metric is crucial for those using email marketing, newsletters, or subscription models, as it reveals audience size, the effectiveness of subscription strategies, and communication reach. For example, a blog might track its weekly update subscribers to evaluate content impact and guide future content and marketing strategies based on subscriber growth and preferences.

Through its metrics, Out of Dark, provides you with the tools you need to begin understanding customers' behaviors. They serve as crucial levers to refine your strategies and enhance operational efficiency, setting a solid foundation for sustained growth and success. Start leveraging these insights in your journeys today to transform data into actionable strategies that propel your business forward.