Detail view

Bring your customer interactions to life with metrics, goals, and images to deepen understanding, improve planning, and effectively track complex projects.

The Detail view is where the magic really begins and your customer journey starts to come alive. This is where you gather all the information about your activities in one location to build a history of your company’s activities and flesh out the story behind your customer journey. It is organized vertically by phase with each column representing one activity on the Activity Map.

The Detail view’s superpower lies in its widgets. In Out of Dark, a widget refers to a block of information that can be inserted into an activity to give it life and meaning. It allows users to add various types of content, such as metrics, links, actions, and descriptions, providing additional context and details to the activity. Widgets are customizable and can include embedded and HTML elements, offering flexibility in presenting and organizing information within the customer journey. By utilizing widgets, users can enhance the visibility and understanding of key aspects of the activity, making it easier to track and analyze the performance and impact of the activity on the overall customer experience.Detail Tab with See phase, activities ans widgets-2

Above you can see two activities from Carries’s customer journey that have been detailed using widgets. The widgets themselves are located in the far left column and have names like “Phase”, “Name,” “Goals & Actions,” etc. The activity “Social media - Instagram” has been assigned goals and actions like promoting the latest fashion products and trends, increasing brand visibility and awareness, and engaging followers to foster a vibrant brand community. These goals are accompanied below by images of Instagram posts, followed by a description of the account's purpose - to showcase the DreamCatcher brand, products, and lifestyle, and to cultivate a community of followers and customers. In this way, each activity is turned into a cohesive, contextually rich unit centralizing information from across the company into a single, comprehensive nerve center.

💡 Tip: Now you can export a PDF of all your touchpoints and business activities straight from the Detail view. Simply select "Export to PDF."


There are many types of widgets to choose from in Out of Dark, and it depends entirely on your needs and specific journey which ones you use. They can be edited, filled out, and dragged and dropped up or down the widget list as you see fit. While you can add custom descriptions to these widgets, their names are typically fixed and cannot be changed, except for the Notes widget, which offers the flexibility to be renamed as you wish. To begin using widgets, first add them to the widget list via the Add Widget button.Add Widget

Important Widgets

We go into widgets in more detail in another article, but here are a few important ones to get you started:

  • Goals & Action: This widget is an essential part of detailing your activities within the customer journey. It is designed to clearly state what objectives an activity aims to achieve (Goals) and the specific steps or tasks (Actions) that need to be taken to reach these objectives.

    When filling out the Goals & Actions widget, it's best to be as explicit and concise as possible. For the Goals, define the expected outcomes or changes that should occur as a result of the activity. These should align with your overall business objectives.

    For the Actions, detail the specific tasks or initiatives that will be undertaken to meet the defined goals. These can include tactics like launching a new marketing campaign, implementing new software, or hiring additional staff.Goals Widget

    By defining clear goals and actions, you create a roadmap for your activity, providing your team with a clear direction and understanding of what needs to be done and why. 
  • Satisfaction: The satisfaction widget provides a subjective measure of how satisfied the journey owner is with the delivery of a particular activity within the customer journey.

    To fill out the Satisfaction widget, you use a five-point scale of smileys, ranging from very unhappy to very happy. Simply select the smiley that best represents your level of satisfaction with the activity.Satisfaction Widget

    In addition to the smiley scale, there is also a text field where you can add more detailed notes or comments about your satisfaction level. This can be useful for providing context to the selected satisfaction rating, or noting any specific reasons for your satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

    By utilizing the Satisfaction widget, you can gain insights into the success of your activities and identify areas that may need improvement.

  • Metrics: This widget is an essential tool in your customer journey map. It allows you to include an overview of all key performance indicators (KPIs) and other relevant data related to the activity.

    To fill out the Metrics widget, start by identifying the key metrics that are important for tracking the success of the activity. These could be things like conversion rates, engagement rates, customer satisfaction scores, page views, marketing spend, or any other data points that can help you measure the effectiveness of the activity.

    Once you have identified the key metrics, you can enter them into the widget. You may also want to provide some context or explanation for each metric, particularly if they might not be immediately clear to anyone reviewing the customer journey map.MetricsWidget


    You can pin key metrics to your Out of Dark dashboard to better track their progress. To do this, scroll to the desired metric in the Detail view and click the pencil icon.Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.12.06 PM


    In the dialogue box that opens, select the Source tab, then choose Display on Dashboard. Finally, click Add Data to start getting updates as they happen.Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 4.13.07 PM
    By utilizing the Metrics widget, you can monitor your performance and make data-driven decisions to improve the customer journey.
  • Tags: The Tags widget is a useful tool for organizing and categorizing your activities within the Detail view. By adding tags to your activities, you can group them based on shared characteristics or themes, making it easier to filter and find relevant information.

    To add tags, first click on the widget in the desired activity. Then, type your chosen tag, such as a category or theme, into the text box that appears. Press Enter to create the tag, which will show up as a colored block in the widget. You can add multiple tags by repeating this process. To remove a tag, hover over it and click the 'x' that appears.

    Tags are customizable and flexible. You can use them to denote anything from phases of the customer journey (Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention), to types of activities (Marketing, Sales, Support), or any other categorizations that are helpful for your specific journey.Tags Widget

  • Notes: Notes is a versatile tool that you can use to add any kind of additional information or context to an activity. It could be a reminder, a detail about an activity, or any other information that doesn't fit into the other widgets.

    To use the Notes widget, simply click on it to activate, then type your relevant note into the provided text field. After typing, click outside the text field to save your note, which will then be accessible whenever you view the activity.Notes Widget

    You can rename the Notes widget to better suit the information you're adding. Simply click on the widget's title, erase the existing title, and type in your new title. Click outside the text field to save your changes.
  • Pictures: Pictures is a flexible tool that allows you to visually enrich your activity descriptions in the Detail View. This widget is especially useful when you want to provide visual examples or demonstrations related to your activities.

    To use the Pictures widget, simply click on it and select Upload Image to open your device's file explorer. Find and select your desired image file, then click Open or Upload. Your image will then be uploaded and displayed within the Pictures widget.Pictures Widget

    Remember, the images you choose should be relevant to the activity and provide additional context or information. They can be screenshots, diagrams, photos, or any other image that supports the description of your activity.
  • Personas: The Personas widget is a powerful tool used to link detailed profiles of your customer personas to your customer journey, allowing you to better understand and address the needs and experiences of different customer segments throughout their journey.

    To fill out the Personas widget, you will need to have already created and saved at least one persona. If you haven’t already, you can learn more about that here.

    To link your personas to your journey, first add the personas widget via the Add Widget button. Next, mouse over the Persona widget in the activity you would like to add a persona to and click the edit icon. A sidebar with all your user profiles will appear. Simply select one or more and tap the back arrow. The personas you’ve added will appear in the activity you selected.Persona Widget

    Learn more about widgets here. Continue mastering your journey by reading about Warnings in Out of Dark.